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A is for Angels
With halos so bright
Whose carols were heard
On that first Christmas Night

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C is for Candles
That so brightly shine
To give a warm welcome
To your friends and mine

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D is for Doorway
With garlands of green
To make Christmas merry
As far as they're seen

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E is for Evergreens
With fragrance so rare
So plentiful at Christmas
Their scent fills the air

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F is for Fun
The whole season long
From trimming the tree
To singing a song

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G is for Greetings
A merry "hello"
With a heart full of love
For people we know

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H is for Holly
With berries so red
To make into wreaths
To hang overhead

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I is for Ice
On snow covered hills
Where sledding is fun
Along with the spills

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J is for Jesus
The Christ child so dear
We honor his birth
On Christmas each year

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K is for Kris Kringle
So merrily he stands
He is who they call Santa
In so many lands

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L is for Lanterns
I am sure that their light
Helped Mary and Joseph
That first Christmas Night

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M is for Mary
Her heart full of love
For her little son Jesus
Who came from above

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N is for Noel
The angels did sing
To herald the birth
of Jesus, our King

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O is for Ornaments
So shining and bright
With lights on the tree
To sparkle at night

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P is for Packages
With ribbons so nice
All 'around the tree
For our Christmas Day

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Q is for Quiet
Christmas Eve Night
With snow covered hills
Glistening so bright

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R is for Reindeer
Who pull Santa's sleigh
To your house, to my house
They know the way

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S is for Shepherds
Who first saw the star
Over Bethlehem's manger
And followed it far

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T is for Trees
We decorate so nice
Then wait for ole Santa
To hurry our way

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U is for Universe
Where Christmas brings joy
To all in the world
To each girl and each boy

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V is for Visiting
Friends near and far
We travel by plane
Or by bus, or by car

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W is for Wise Men
Who brought gifts so rare
And knelt down and worshiped
The child they found there

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X is for X-mas
Or Christmas by full name
No matter the language
It all means the same

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Y is for Yule Logs
Whose bright sparks fly high
To give a warm welcome
To friends passing by

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Z is for Zeal
We show at this time
In giving to others
And loving mankind

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